Distributor Resmi Lincoln Electric Surabaya dan sekitarnya

ID 7016

♠ Posted by Unknown at 21.01


All controlled hydrogen electrodes will perform optimally 
when they are dry. Unopened Lincoln PERMAPACK's 
provide excellent protection against moisture pick-up in 
good storage conditions. Should re-drying be necessary, 
remove electrodes from the packet / container and spread 
thinly and evenly on racks in a ventilated oven. For 
electrodes that have had a short or mild exposure to the 
atmosphere then re-drying at 572°F(300°C) for 1 hour will 
be sufficient. For electrodes that have been exposed to 
longer or more aggressive conditions or for critical work 
re-drying at 572-662°F (300-350°C) for 1-2 hours is 
recommended. After re-drying electrodes should be stored 
in a hot box. use of excessive amperage levels.


CSS : 3YH10
ABS : 3Y
LR : 3m 3Ym H15

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