♠ Posted by Unknown
♠ Posted by Unknown
The arcweld® 160i-ST / 200i-ST, 160i-ST DV / 200i-ST DV inverter machines are intended to be used for light to medium duty welding application. They are an ideal choice for maintenance, small repairs & general fabrication.
Both machines are designed to be used with 6011, 6013 & 7018 type electrodes up to 5.0mm in diameter.
The arcweld® inverter machines are very compact,
lightweight and come with a shoulder strap for ease of transportation. Accessories are included, so the machines
are ready to weld out of the box.
- 3 meter input cable with integrated plug
- 3 meter ground cable with work clamp
♠ Posted by Unknown
- AWS A5.4/A5.4M E316-16
- AWS A5.4/A5.4M E316L-16
- Rutile-Basic stainless steel electrode
- Weld on AC or DCEP polarity
- Flux coating provides Excellent weldability and easy slag removal
- 2.5%Mo added to provides creep resistance and increased ductility at elevated temperature
- Low carbon level weld metal increase the resistance to intergranular corrosion
- Designed for the welding of 19%Cr-12%Ni-2%Mo stainless steels such as 316 316L
- Petrol Chemical Industry
- Power Generation Construction
- Shipbuilding & Offshore
- Food & beverage
For electrodes that have had a short or mild exposure to the atmosphere, re-drying at 300℃ for 1 hour will be sufficient.
For electrodes that have been exposed to longer or more aggressive conditions or critical work environment, re-drying at 300-350℃ for 1-2 hours is recommended. After re-drying, electrodes should be tored in a portable electrode drying oven.
Primalloy JS-308
♠ Posted by Unknown
- AWS A5.4/A5.4M E308-16
- AWS A5.4/A5.4M E308L-16
- Rutile-Basic stainless steel electrode
- Weldable on AC and DCEP polarity
- Excellent weldability in all position welding except vertical down
- High resistance to weld porosity
- Easy slag removal
- PRIMALLOYTM JS-308L can produce lower carbon content weld metal with higher resistance to intergranular corrosion
- Designed for the welding of common “18-8” austenitic stainless steels such as type 302, 304, 304L & CF-8
- Petrol Chemical Equipment Manufacturing
- Power Generation Construction
- Food & Beverage Equipment
- Shipbuilding & Offshore
- Transportation Equipment Manufacturing
For electrodes that have had a short or mild exposure to the atmosphere, re-drying at 300℃ for 1 hour will be sufficient.
For electrodes that have been exposed to longer or more aggressive conditions or critical work environment, re-drying at 300-350℃ for 1-2 hours is recommended.
After re-drying, electrodes should be stored in a portable electrode drying oven.
ID 7016-1
♠ Posted by Unknown
- Basic low hydrogen electrode < 5ml/100gr
- Good root pass welding
- All position welding except vertical down
- Particularly suited for vertical up welding
- ABS : 3YH5
- Lloyd : BF 3m,3Ym H5
- BKI : 3Y40 H5
- Pipe welding especially for root pass
- Structural steel
- Shipbuilding and offsore
All except vertical down
ID 7018-1
♠ Posted by Unknown
- AWS A5.1: E7018-1
- ASME SFA-5.1
EASYARC TM 7018-1 is a multi-purpose electrode with excellent operator appeal.
It is recommended for the critical welding of C-Mn, micro alloyed, and low alloy structural steels.
Typical applications include the welding of offshore platforms, ship building, pressure vessels and heavy steel
structure on bridges and buildings.
EASYARCTM 7018-1 is an iron powder low-hydrogen type electrode for all-position welding of mild and high strength low alloy steels.
The easily controlled arc of EASYARCTM 7018-1 makes it easy to use on DC polarity.EASYARCTM 7018-1 offers excellent mechanical properties and notch toughness.
- Superb weld profiles in all positions
- Excellent DC operator appeal
- Easy slag removal
- Excellent mechanical and toughness properties
- Manufactured under a quality system certified to ISO 9001 requirements
- Available in PERMAPACKTM (1) (Vacuum Sealed)
- ABS:4Y
- LR:4YH10
- CCS:4YH10
All controlled hydrogen electrodes will perform optimally when they are dry.
Unopened Lincoln PERMAPACK's provide excellent protection against moisture pick-up in good storage conditions.
Should re-drying be necessary, remove electrodes from the packet / container and spread thinly and evenly on racks in a ventilated oven.
For electrodes that have had a short or mild exposure to the atmosphere then re-drying at
572°F(300°C) for 1 hour will be sufficient.
For electrodes that have been exposed to longer or more aggressive conditions
or for critical work re-drying at 572-662°F (300-350°C) for 1-2
hours is recommended.
After re-drying electrodes should be stored in a hot box.
ID 7018
♠ Posted by Unknown
- AWS A5.1: E7018
- ASME SFA-5.1
EASYARC™ 7018 is a multi-purpose electrode with excellent operator appeal. EASYARC™ 7018 is excellent for welding of mild and low alloy steel, which is used for bridges,buildings, ship building, pressure vessels, etc.
EASYARC™ 7018 can also be used for the construction or repair of earth moving, farm and mining equipment.
EASYARC™ 7018 is an iron powder low-hydrogen type electrode for all-position welding of mild and low alloy steels.
The easily controlled arc of EASYARC™ 7018 makes it easy to use on DC & AC polarity. EASYARC™ 7018 offers excellent mechanical properties, high efficiency and high impact values at -30°C. It is also easy to strike and restrike.
- High deposition rates
- Easy slag removal
- Excellent crack resistance and X-ray performance
- Flat or slightly convex beads have distinct ripples with little spatter
- Manufactured under a quality system certified to ISO 9001 requirements
- Available in PERMAPACKTM (1) (Vacuum Sealed)
ABS:3Y, LR:3YH15
All controlled hydrogen electrodes will perform optimally when they are dry.
Unopened Lincoln PERMAPACK's provide excellent protection against moisture pick-up in good storage conditions.
Should re-drying be necessary, remove electrodes from the packet / container and spread thinly and evenly on racks in a ventilated oven.
For electrodes that have had a short or mild exposure to the atmosphere then re-drying at 572°F(300°C) for 1 hour will be sufficient.
For electrodes that have been exposed to longer or more aggressive conditions or for critical work re-drying at 572-662°F (300-350°C) for 1-2 hours is recommended.
After re-drying electrodes should be stored in a hot box.
ID 7016
♠ Posted by Unknown
All controlled hydrogen electrodes will perform optimallywhen they are dry. Unopened Lincoln PERMAPACK's
provide excellent protection against moisture pick-up in
good storage conditions. Should re-drying be necessary,
remove electrodes from the packet / container and spread
thinly and evenly on racks in a ventilated oven. For
electrodes that have had a short or mild exposure to the
atmosphere then re-drying at 572°F(300°C) for 1 hour will
be sufficient. For electrodes that have been exposed to
longer or more aggressive conditions or for critical work
re-drying at 572-662°F (300-350°C) for 1-2 hours is
recommended. After re-drying electrodes should be stored
in a hot box. use of excessive amperage levels.
CSS : 3YH10
ABS : 3Y
LR : 3m 3Ym H15
ID 6013
♠ Posted by Unknown
Conformance :
AWS A.S 1-2004 : E6013
ASME SFA-5.1 : E6013
Approvals :
ABS :2 LR : 2 BV : 2
Application :
Easyarc 6013 can be used for the welding of mild steel.
Aspecially suitable for sheer metal welding,tack welding and other types of welding which require a smoot and clean bead appearance.
Product Features :
Easyarc 6013 is an all position (excluding vertical down),rutile electrode for mild steel.It weld on AC or DC with excellent performance and easy restrike features,.
EASYARC ID 26 ( AWS 6013 )
♠ Posted by Unknown